We're not only delighted to bring you this article out of sheer indulgence, although we're already salivating, but also because recognizing that food and snacking are part of the customer and employee experience is a real social step forward. No, we're not making a big deal of it, snacking is now a mainstream trend, a topic highly taken seriously by corporate management and flexible office spaces since it comes first when it comes to talking about user services. Jōyō, Belinbox, Totem, Brâam... snacking brands have continued to emerge and compete in the corporate food service battle alongside big names in catering such as Sodexo, Arpège or Elior. Focus on a social phenomenon that could well be the key to tomorrow's premium corporate service!
A healthy mind in a healthy body
We can't remind you enough that eating a healthy, balanced diet will keep you healthy in the long term. The benefits of food for the body and mind are proven. Food as a source of energy provides the nourishment your body needs to function properly, and a good diet will help protect and strengthen your body, and greatly reduce all forms of illness linked to malnutrition and other non-communicable diseases. And since we're on the subject of nutrition and prevention, we recommend that you eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day and limit your alcohol consumption.
The French are now very aware of all these messages, and their expectations are increasingly high. They are demanding transparency on products and their origins, and are looking for products that are more respectful of their well-being and animal welfare. Kantar TNS's latest Food 360 survey reveals that 63% of French people say they want to eat healthily, and 5% in a more balanced way. This is confirmed by another study conducted by IFOP and nu3, which seeks to understand the origins of these changes in behavior. In particular, it reveals that for 1 in 2 French people, Covid has had a real impact on their eating habits, and that since then 50% of them have been trying to change their eating habits, particularly among the under-35s.
However, despite the good will shown, habits die hard, and the French are crying out for help!
What do the French expect from company catering?
Employee expectations are also evolving in line with social trends, environmental concerns and changes in individual eating habits. Successful companies in the corporate catering sector seek to understand these expectations and incorporate them into their offerings. Among those we have identified:
- Meal quality: Employees expect high-quality meals, prepared with fresh, tasty ingredients. The variety of dishes on offer is also important to satisfy diverse tastes.
- Healthy options: The demand for healthy, balanced food choices has increased. Employees are looking for nutritious options that support their physical and mental well-being.
- Culinary diversity: A variety of international cuisines is increasingly appreciated. Culinary diversity offers employees an enriching gastronomic experience.
- Dietary flexibility : Specific diets, such as vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free, are increasingly taken into account to meet individual needs.
- Sustainability : Employees are increasingly sensitive to environmental sustainability. The provenance of ingredients, waste management practices and the use of local and organic products are important considerations.
- Fast, friendly dining options : With work days often hectic, employees appreciate fast, convenient dining options without sacrificing quality.
- Collaborative experience: Catering spaces can be designed to encourage collaboration and interaction between colleagues, contributing to a friendly atmosphere.
- Technology: Integrating technology, such as mobile apps for online ordering or meal customization, can enhance the overall experience.
- Wellness programs: Companies sometimes offer nutrition-related wellness programs, such as healthy cooking workshops, nutritional advice, etc.
- Affordable rates: While quality is important, employees also appreciate reasonably priced corporate catering options.
It's hard to meet all these expectations when all you have is a simple RIE. That's why we recommend that you bring your catering options to you. Coworking spaces already offer this variety.
Snacking in the workplace: towards a widespread corporate awareness?
Snacking offers that promote healthier, organic, homemade or vegan products are multiplying in the corporate snacking market, and now account for 18% of meal volumes (lunch and dinner).
In an increasingly competitive environment, food brands and manufacturers are betting on new formats and constantly improving their recipes to improve their image. However, it's in the area of new distribution services that the greatest potential for growth lies, particularly in corporate food courts and in the conviviality and catering areas of flexible office spaces.
In this age of the experiential and the quest for meaning, companies have clearly understood that offering convivial fooding spaces as a means of attracting and retaining talent is a key element of the employer brand. Designed with the utmost care, these spaces invite you to enjoy a renewed experience of the corporate break. It's not uncommon to discover premium catering services such as homemade iced tea at the Le Shack coworking space in Paris's Opéra district, a vegan moussaka like at the Oni Coffee Shop in Ré district of Paris, a vegan moussaka as at the Oni Coffee Shop in the Ré district of Paris, or even local produce from the local farm, or even a basket of organic fruit and vegetables left by farmers in the vending machine as at the Chez Léo coworking space in Rouen.
Snacking in the office is no longer simply a matter of indulgence, but an essential component of the employee experience. Snack brands are evolving to meet the growing expectations of employees, combining quality, diversity, well-being and sustainability. Workplaces are becoming prime locations for this culinary revolution, with innovative Food Courts and a variety of options. The balance between gustatory pleasure and positive impact on health is becoming a central element. Companies or coworking spaces that understand and integrate these trends into their catering offerings contribute to a friendlier working atmosphere, and enhance their attractiveness as an employer. Snacking in the office is emerging as an essential pillar, helping to build a corporate culture focused on well-being, collaboration and employee satisfaction.
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