As we all know, the Barnier government has made mental health a major national cause for 2025, and the subject has been the talk of the town ever since. While the subject of employees' mental health has hitherto been little-or even poorly-anticipated by companies, the latter are now beginning to open the door to the introduction of suitable preventive measures, and in some cases, mental health in the workplace has even become a priority in many companies. Far from being a simple "bonus" for well-being, it is now recognized as a strategic issue for the performance and sustainability of companies, and calls into question management methods, employee expectations and working methods. However, despite growing awareness, the challenges remain. Here's an update on the state of employees' mental health and the measures we can take to address it.

An alarming fact: burnout on the rise

According to recent studies, cases of burnout, anxiety and depression among employees are on the rise. A survey by the French Foundation for Medical Research reveals that almost one in three employees say they experience high levels of stress at work, and almost 40% of young employees are considering leaving their jobs because of the impact on their mental health. The most recent surveys also show that almost 50% of workers in France are in a situation of psychological distress linked to their work, and several million are said to be in a situation or at risk of burn-out.

Burnout particularly affects employees in highly demanding work environments, where the pressure to deliver results is high and organizational support is limited. Added to this is hyper-connectivity, which can make it difficult to disconnect outside working hours, and the sense of loneliness felt by many teleworkers.

A poor work-life balance is also an important factor in workers' health. And this is all the more true for those who have recently been denied the right to telework.

The main causes of unhappiness at work

There are many complex reasons for unhappiness at work. Here are the main ones:

  • Intensified professional demands: The acceleration of projects and the pressure to meet ambitious targets contribute to a sometimes unsustainable workload, particularly in certain sectors such as healthcare, retail and digital.
  • Lack of recognition: Poor recognition of work accomplished, whether by managers or the company, reinforces feelings of demotivation and devaluation.
  • Hyperconnection : Digital tools facilitate remote working, but they also create a form of permanent connection that prevents employees from "unplugging" and recovering.
  • Economic uncertainties: periods of crisis, with frequent restructuring and downsizing, heighten employees' concerns and sense of insecurity.

Repercussions for the company: a significant cost

The deterioration in employees' mental health is not confined to individuals: it directly affects companies. Unhappiness at work is associated with lower productivity, higher absenteeism rates and an increase in workplace accidents. Staff turnover also increases, as distressed employees are more likely to look for a new job, or even to leave the world of work.

The financial cost is significant. A study by consulting firm Deloitte estimates that companies lose billions every year as a result of the direct and indirect consequences of unhappiness at work, including healthcare costs, lost productivity and staff turnover.

Growing awareness, but action still insufficient

Companies have generally become aware of the importance of employees' mental health, but the application of concrete measures is still sometimes inadequate or inappropriate. Efforts are often limited to awareness-raising initiatives, with no real prevention policy integrated into the corporate culture.

According to a VYV Group survey, a large majority of companies (83% of managers and 60% of HR staff) consider prevention to be effective, particularly through workplace health promotion and manager training. The latter appear to be necessary for companies with more than 100 employees, for whom, in 1/3 of cases, the provident organization is identified as a key contact.

Managers also play a key role in detecting signs of employee malaise. Training them to identify signs of distress and support techniques can make a big difference. They are in the front line when it comes to listening to their employees' expectations and feelings, and adapting teleworking policy to individual and collective needs is essential to avoid isolation and offer greater flexibility.

Employees' mental health has thus become a crucial indicator of companies' overall health. Faced with a rise in psychological disorders, it is imperative that organizations take steps to protect and support their employees. By taking long-term action, integrating mental well-being into HR strategy and creating a healthy working environment, companies can not only improve their employees' quality of life, but also boost their productivity, attractiveness and resilience.

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