The Vîllage, installed today in a 160 m2 duplex in the city center of Nîmes. Well anchored in the local fabric of third places, we work there as at home! Meeting room, open spaces, boxes to phone, relaxation room, kitchen, bathroom... It is important to us to take into account the needs of all coworkers, whatever their activity and their status: self-employed, telecommuting employee, intermittent, in search of employment...
The Vîllage is open to all, without obligation of membership to the association for the coworkers. Thanks to its horizontal organization system, where each one can invest if he wishes it, the atmosphere is very convivial. Even if it is above all a work space, beyond the professional circle, a community is created, gathered around the same values:
No offer online at the moment.
Please contact us for availability.
24/7 access
Services included
Paid services
Prices from (excl. VAT)
Hot desk /day /pax
Hot desk /month /pax
You want to save time in your search?
We accompany you without fees to manage your search and advise you on the most suitable office space for your business (free of charge)
More informationHere is the address of Le Village:
5 Rue Saint-Thomas
30000 Nîmes
Need to visit Le Village? The space is open at these times:
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat-Sun : Closed
Open 24/7 for members
To come work in the Le Village space, here is some budget information:
In addition to having WIFI access, the ability to reserve meeting rooms and access to common areas, Le Village has or offers:
Non-exhaustive list of course! Contact us to arrange a visit!
To subscribe offices to Le Village, the subscription terms are as follows: