Working in the CoWorking space – is that for me? The answer is „yes “ – we are convinced of that. Everyone works in their own way: if you want to work in a highly concentrated manner and still seek the advantage of exchanging ideas with creative people, you can experience this alone or in a team with us in the private office single or twin.
Benefit from each other, work together on projects, work in creative exchange with other innovative CoWorkers or work together as a learning group on topics for school or university, you can work in our community area at fixed workplaces with full equipment, free flex desks or in the meeting room .
We also offer the ideal setting for coaching or collegial advice in a neutral environment outside of our own business premises.
With us in the „A66 “ you benefit from maximum flexible work areas and enjoy all the advantages of a modern and professional business environment with ergonomic furnishings and high-speed internet (1GB). You can deduct the costs (job rental, travel expenses to the space as well as the additional catering expenses due to the outside activity) from the tax.
You also contribute to the conservation of our resources by using the shared work environment. Local work instead of long journeys by car to the office leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
For companies, this means, among other things, that employees can be more efficient if they work closer to their homes because they lose less time and nerves on the way to work. The CoWorking Space can also be specified as a permanent establishment if it can be proven that it is used regularly for a longer period of time.
Zugang rund um die Uhr
Inbegriffene Leistungen
Kostenpflichtige Leistungen
Preis ab (exkl. MwSt.)
Flex Desk /tag /pax
Flex Desk /monat /pax
Fix Desk /monat /pax
Privates Büro /monat /pax
Möchten Sie bei Ihrer Suche Zeit sparen?
Wir unterstützen Sie kostenlos, um Ihre Suche zu verwalten und Ihnen die für Ihr Geschäft am besten geeigneten Büroräume zu empfehlen (ohne Gebühren)!
Hier ist die Adresse von CoWorking @ A66:
26 Am Holzweg
65830 Kriftel
Möchten Sie CoWorking @ A66 besichtigen? Der Co-Working-Space ist zu den folgenden Zeiten geöffnet:
Mo-Fr: 8:30-19:00 Uhr
Sa-So: geschlossen
Zugang 24/7 möglich
Hier ein paar Budget-Informationen, bevor Sie zum Arbeiten in den Co-Working-Space CoWorking @ A66 kommen:
CoWorking @ A66 bietet nicht nur WLAN-Zugang und die Möglichkeit, Konferenzräume zu buchen und Gemeinschaftsbereiche zu nutzen, sondern auch Folgendes:
Die Liste ist natürlich nicht vollständig! Kontaktieren Sie uns, um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren!
Um Büros in CoWorking @ A66 zu mieten, gelten folgende Modalitäten: